
The media are a fickle, unprincipled lot. I spoke to my insanely clever and talented son at length yesterday and since this is quite a rare occurrence, a few thoughts stuck with me. We are a quarter century apart, he and I which is lifetimes of cultural shifting and he is old enough to be a generation removed from the frenzied bloodbath of media hype so beloved of twentysomethings Britain which, it seems, is doomed. Runaway inflation, crippling debt, gargantuan fuel costs. Strikes, a broken health system with medical staff walking out or quitting, three week waits to see a doctor. Rebellions, extinct and otherwise paralysing and disrupting people's lives. If we actually believed much of what the papers tell us, politics is a busted flush and we're teetering on the brink of democratic meltdown, running helter-skelter to destruction with our fingers in our ears. Not quite so. Some borrow only as last resort, have fixed rate mortgages, insulate their homes properly and put on an...